A Process Executes Continuously Until It Exhausts Its Scheduler Allocated Time Slice

Process Scheduling

Who gets to run next?

February 18, 2015

The finest eloquence is that which gets things done; the worst is that which delays them.
— David Lloyd George (speech, Jan. 1919)



If you look at any process, you'll notice that it spends some time executing instructions (computing) and then makes some I/O request, for example, to read or write data to a file or to get input from a user. After that, it executes more instructions and then, again, waits on I/O. The period of computation between I/O requests is called the CPU burst.

CPU bursts
CPU bursts

Interactive processes spend more time waiting for I/O and generally experience short CPU bursts. A text editor is an example of an interactive process with short CPU bursts.

Interactive bursts
Interactive bursts

Compute-intensive processes, conversely, spend more time running instructions and less time on I/O. They exhibit long CPU bursts. A video transcoder is an example of a process with long CPU bursts. Even though it reads and writes data, it spends most of its time processing that data.

Compute bursts
Compute bursts

Most interactive processes, in fact, spend the vast bulk of their existence doing nothing but waiting on data. As I write this on my Mac, I have 44 processes running just under my user account. This includes a few browser windows, a word processor, spreadsheet, several shell windows, Photoshop, iTunes, and various monitors and utilities. Most of the time, all these processes collectively are using less than 3% of the CPU. This is not surprising since most of these programs are waiting for user input, a network message, or sleeping and waking up periodically to check some state.

Consider a 2.4 GHz processor. It executes approximately 2,400 million instructions per second (and this does not even count multi-core or hyperthreaded processors). It can run 24 billion instructions in the ten seconds it might take you to skim a web page before you click on a link — or 1.2 billion instructions in the half second it might take you to hit the next key as you're typing. The big idea in increasing overall system throughput was the realization that we could keep several programs in memory and switch the processor to run another process when a process has to wait on an I/O operation. This is multiprogramming. The next big idea was realizing that you could preempt a process and let another process run and do this quickly enough to give the illusion that many processes are running at the same time. This is multitasking.


Most systems have a large number of processes with short CPU bursts interspersed between I/O requests and a small number of processes with long CPU bursts. To provide good time-sharing performance, we may preempt a running process to let another one run. The ready list, also known as a run queue, in the operating system keeps a list of all processes that are ready to run and not blocked on input/output or another blocking system request, such as a semaphore. The entries in this list are pointers to a process control block, which stores all information and state about a process.

When an I/O request for a process is complete, the process moves from the waiting state to the ready state and gets placed on the run queue.

The process scheduler is the component of the operating system that is responsible for deciding whether the currently running process should continue running and, if not, which process should run next. There are four events that may occur where the scheduler needs to step in and make this decision:

  1. The current process goes from the running to the waiting state because it issues an I/O request or some operating system request that cannot be satisfied immediately.

  2. The current process terminates.

  3. A timer interrupt causes the scheduler to run and decide that a process has run for its allotted interval of time and it is time to move it from the running to the ready state.

  4. An I/O operation is complete for a process that requested it and the process now moves from the waiting to the ready state. The scheduler may then decide to preempt the currently-running process and move this newly-ready process into the running state.

A scheduler is a preemptive scheduler if it has the ability to get invoked by an interrupt and move a process out of a running state to let another process run. The last two events in the above list may cause this to happen. If a scheduler cannot take the CPU away from a process then it is a cooperative, or non-preemptive scheduler. Old operating systems such as Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Apple MacOS prior to OS X are examples of cooperative schedulers. Older batch processing systems had run-to-completion schedulers where a process ran to termination before any other process would be allowed to run.

The decisions that the scheduler makes concerning the sequence and length of time that processes may run is called the scheduling algorithm (or scheduling policy). These decisions are not easy ones, as the scheduler has only a limited amount of information about the processes that are ready to run. A good scheduling algorithm should:

  • Be fair – give each process a fair share of the CPU, allow each process to run in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Be efficient – keep the CPU busy all the time.
  • Maximize throughput – service the largest possible number of jobs in a given amount of time; minimize the amount of time users must wait for their results.
  • Minimize response time – interactive users should see good performance.
  • Be predictable – a given job should take about the same amount of time to run when run multiple times. This keeps users sane.
  • Minimize overhead – don't waste too many resources. Keep scheduling time and context switch time at a minimum.
  • Maximize resource use – favor processes that will use underutilized resources. There are two motives for this. Most devices are slow compared to CPU operations. We'll achieve better system throughput by keeping devices busy as often as possible. The second reason is that a process may be holding a key resource and other, possibly more important, processes cannot use it until it is released. Giving the process more CPU time may free up the resource quicker.
  • Avoid indefinite postponement – every process should get a chance to run eventually.
  • Enforce priorities – if the scheduler allows a process to be assigned a priority, it should be meaningful and enforced.
  • Degrade gracefully – as the system becomes more heavily loaded, performance should deteriorate gradually, not abruptly.

It is clear that some of these goals are contradictory. For example, minimizing overhead means that jobs should run longer, thus hurting interactive performance. Enforcing priorities means that high-priority processes will always be favored over low-priority ones, causing indefinite postponement. These factors make scheduling a task for which there can be no perfect algorithm.

To make matters even more complex, the scheduler does not know much about the behavior of each process and certainly has no idea of what the process will do in the future. As we saw earlier, some processes perform a lot of input/output operations but use little CPU time (examples are web browsers, shells and editors). They spend much of their time in the blocked state in between little bursts of computation. The overall performance of these I/O bound processes is constrained by the speed of the I/O devices. CPU-bound processes and spend most of their time computing (examples are ray-tracing programs and circuit simulators). Their execution time is largely determined by the speed of the CPU and the amount of CPU time they can get.

To help the scheduler monitor processes and the amount of CPU time that they use, a programmable interval timer interrupts the processor periodically (typically 100 times per second). This timer is programmed when the operating system initializes itself. At each interrupt, the operating system's scheduler gets to run and decide whether the currently running process should be allowed to continue running or whether it should be suspended and another ready process allowed to run. This is the mechanism that enables preemptive.

Preemptive scheduling allows the scheduler to control response times by taking the CPU away from a process that it decided has been running too long in order to let another process run. It incurs more overhead than nonpreemptive scheduling since it has to deal with the overhead of context switching processes instead of allowing a process to run to completion or run until the next I/O operation or other system call. However, it allows for higher degrees of concurrency and better interactive performance.

The scheduling algorithm has the task of figuring out whether a process should be switched out for another process and which process should get to run next. The dispatcher is the component of the scheduler that handles the mechanism of actually getting that process to run on the processor. This requires loading the saved context of the selected process, which is stored in the process control block and comprises the set of registers, stack pointer, flags (status word), and a pointer to the memory mapping (typically a pointer to the page table). Once this context is loaded, the dispatcher switches to user mode via a return from interrupt operation that causes the process to execute from the location that was saved on the stack at the time that the program stopped running — either via an interrupt or a system call.

In the following sections, we will explore a few scheduling algorithms.

Let's first introduce some terms.

Turnaround time
Turnaround time is the elapsed time between the time the job arrives (e.g., you type a command) and the time that it terminates. This includes the delay of waiting for the scheduler to start the job because some other process is still running and others may be queued ahead.
Start time

Also known as release time, the start time is the time when the task is scheduled to run and actually gets to start running on the CPU.

If we look a process as a series of CPU bursts the start time applies to each CPU burst. It is the time when each CPU burst starts to run.

Response time
This is the delay between submitting a process and it being scheduled to run (its start time). Again, if we look a process as a series of CPU bursts the response time applies to each CPU burst. It is the delay between a task being ready to run and actually running.
Completion time
This is the time when the process terminates.
Throughput refers to the number of processes that complete over some unit of time. By comparing throughput on several schedulers, we can get a feel of whether one scheduler is able to get more processes to complete than another over some period of time. This can be due to several factors: keeping the CPU busy, scheduling I/O as early as possible to keep disks an other slow devices busy, and the amount of overhead spent doing all of this.

First-Come, First-Served Scheduling

Possibly the most straightforward approach to scheduling processes is to maintain a FIFO (first-in, first-out) run queue. New processes go to the end of the queue. When the scheduler needs to run a process, it picks the process that is at the head of the queue. This scheduler is non-preemptive. If the process has to block on I/O, it enters the waiting state and the scheduler picks the process from the head of the queue. When I/O is complete and that waiting (blocked) process is ready to run again, it gets put at the end of the queue.

First Come - First Served
First Come - First Served

With first-come, first-served scheduling, a process with a long CPU burst will hold up other processes, increasing their turnaround time. Moreover, it can hurt overall throughput since I/O on processes in the waiting state may complete while the CPU bound process is still running. Now devices are not being used effectively. To increase throughput, it would have been great if the scheduler instead could have briefly run some I/O bound process so that could run briefly, request some I/O and then wait for that I/O to complete. Because CPU bound processes don't get preempted, they hurt interactive performance because the interactive process won't get scheduled until the CPU bound one has completed.

Advantage: FIFO scheduling is simple to implement. It is also intuitively fair (the first one in line gets to run first).

Disadvantage: The greatest drawback of first-come, first-served scheduling is that it is not preemptive. Because of this, it is not suitable for interactive jobs. Another drawback is that a long-running process will delay all jobs behind it.

Round robin scheduling

Round robin scheduling is a preemptive version of first-come, first-served scheduling. Processes are dispatched in a first-in-first-out sequence but each process is allowed to run for only a limited amount of time. This time interval is known as a time-slice or quantum. If a process does not complete or get blocked because of an I/O operation within the time slice, the time slice expires and the process is preempted. This preempted process is placed at the back of the run queue where it must wait for all the processes that were already in the queue to cycle through the CPU.

If a process gets blocked due to an I/O operation before its time slice expires, it is, of course, enters a blocked because of that I/O operation. Once that operation completes, it is placed on the end of the run queue and waits its turn.

Round Robin Scheduling
Round Robin Scheduling

A big advantage of round robin scheduling over non-preemptive schedulers is that it dramatically improves average response times. By limiting each task to a certain amount of time, the operating system can ensure that it can cycle through all ready tasks, giving each one a chance to run.

With round robin scheduling, interactive performance depends on the length of the quantum and the number of processes in the run queue. A very long quantum makes the algorithm behave very much like first come, first served scheduling since it's very likely that a process with block or complete before the time slice is up. A small quantum lets the system cycle through processes quickly. This is wonderful for interactive processes. Unfortunately, there is an overhead to context switching and having to do so frequently increases the percentage of system time that is used on context switching rather than real work.

Advantage: Round robin scheduling is fair in that every process gets an equal share of the CPU. It is easy to implement and, if we know the number of processes on the run queue, we can know the worst-case response time for a process.

Disadvantage: Giving every process an equal share of the CPU is not always a good idea. For instance, highly interactive processes will get scheduled no more frequently than CPU-bound processes.

Setting the quantum size

What should the length of a quantum be to get "good" performance? A short quantum is good because it allows many processes to circulate through the processor quickly, each getting a brief chance to run. This way, highly interactive jobs that usually do not use up their quantum will not have to wait as long before they get the CPU again, hence improving interactive performance. On the other hand, a short quantum is bad because the operating system must perform a context switch whenever a process gets preempted. This is overhead: anything that the CPU does other than executing user code is essentially overhead. A short quantum implies many such context switches per unit time, taking the CPU away from performing useful work (i.e., work on behalf of a process).

The overhead associated with a context switch can be expressed as:

context switch overhead = C / (Q+C)

where Q is the length of the time-slice and C is the context switch time. An increase in Q increases efficiency but reduces average response time. As an example, suppose that there are ten processes ready to run, Q = 100 ms, and C = 5 ms. Process 0 (at the head of the run queue, the list of processes that are in the ready state) gets to run immediately. Process 1 can run only after Process 0's quantum expires (100 ms) and the context switch takes place (5 ms), so it starts to run at 105 ms. Likewise, process 2 can run only after another 105 ms. We can compute the amount of time that each process will be delayed and compare the delays between a small quantum (10 ms) and a long quantum (100 ms.):

Q = 100ms Q = 10ms
Proc # delay (ms) delay (ms)
0 0 0
1 105 15
2 210 30
3 315 45
4 420 60
5 525 75
6 630 90
7 735 105
8 840 120
9 945 135

We can see that with a quantum of 100 ms and ten processes, a process at the end of the queue will have to wait almost a second before it gets a chance to run. This is much too slow for interactive tasks. When the quantum is reduced to 10 ms, the last process has to wait less than 1/7 second before it gets the CPU. The downside of this is that with a quantum that small, the context switch overhead (5/(10+5)) is 3313%. This means that we are wasting over a third of the CPU just switching processes! With a quantum of 100 ms, the context switch overhead is just 4%.

Shortest remaining time first scheduling

The shortest remaining time first (SRTF) scheduling algorithm is a preemptive version of an older non-preemptive algorithm known as shortest job first (SJF) scheduling. Shortest job first scheduling runs a process to completion before running the next one. The queue of jobs is sorted by estimated job length so that short programs get to run first and not be held up by long ones. This minimizes average response time.

Here's an extreme example. It's the 1950s and three users submit jobs (a deck of punched cards) to an operator. Two of the jobs are estimated to run for 3 minutes each while the third job while the third user estimates that it will take about 48 hours to run the program. With a shortest job first approach, the operator will run the three-minute jobs first and then let the computer spend time on the 48-hour job.

With the shortest remaining time first algorithm, we take into account the fact that a process runs as a series of CPU bursts: processes may leave the running state because they need to wait on I/O or because their quantum expired. The algorithm sorts the run queue by the the process' anticipated CPU burst time, picking the shortest burst time. Doing so will optimize the average response time of processes.

Let's consider an example of five processes in the run queue. If we process them in a FIFO manner, we see that all the CPU bursts add up to 25 (pick your favorite time unit; this is just an example). The mean run time for a process, however, is the mean of all the run times, where the run time is the time spent waiting to run + the CPU burst time of the process. In this example, our mean run time is (8 + 11 + 21 + 23 + 25)/5, or 17.6.

Shortest Remaining Time First
Shortest Remaining Time First

If we reorder the processes in the queue by the estimated CPU burst time, we still have the same overall total (the processes take the same amount of time to run) but the mean run time changes. It is now (2 + 4 + 7 + 15 + 25), or 10.6. We reduced the average run time for our processes by 40%!

Shortest Remaining Time First (sorted)
Shortest Remaining Time First (sorted)

Estimating future CPU burst time

The biggest problem with sorting processes this way is that we're trying to optimize our schedule using data that we don't even have! We don't know what the CPU burst time will be for a process when it's next run. It might immediately request I/O or it might continue running for minutes (or until the expiration of its time slice).

The best that we can do is guess and try to predict the next CPU burst time by assuming that it will be related to past CPU bursts for that process. All interactive processes follow the following sequence of operations:

compute — I/O — compute — I/O — compute — I/O

Suppose that a CPU burst (compute) period is measured as T0. The next compute period is measured as T1, and so on. The common approach to estimate the length of the next CPU burst is by using a time-decayed exponential average of previous CPU bursts for the process. We will examine one such function, although there are variations on the theme. Let Tn be the measured time of the nth burst; sn be the predicted size of the nth CPU burst; and a be a weighing factor, 0 ≤ a ≤ 1. Define s0 as some default system average burst time. The estimate of the next CPU burst period is:

sn+1 = aTn + (1 - a)sn

The weighing factor, a, can be adjusted how much to weigh past history versus considering the last observation. If a = 1, then only the last observation of the CPU burst period counts. If a = ½, then the last observation has as much weight as the historical weight. As a gets smaller than ½, the historical weight counts more than the recent weight.

Here is an example with a = 0.5. The blue bars represent the actual CPU burst over time. The red bars represent the estimated value. With a weighting value of ½, we can see how the red bars are strongly influenced by the previous actual value but factor in the older values.

Exponential Average (a=0.5)
Exponential Average (a=0.5)

Now let's see what happens when we set a = 1. This ignores history and only looks at the previous CPU burst. We can see that each red bar (current estimate) has exactly the same value as the previous blue bar (latest actual CPU burst).

Exponential Average (a=1)
Exponential Average (a=1)

For a final example, let's set a= 0.25. Here, the last measured value only counts for 25% of the estimated CPU burst, with 75% being dictated by history. We can see how immediate changes in CPU burst have less impact on the estimate when compared with the above graph of a = 0.5. Note how the estimates at 2, 3, 13, and 14 still remain relatively high despite the rapid plunge of actual CPU burst values.

Exponential Average (a=0.25)
Exponential Average (a=0.25)

Advantage of shortest remaining time first scheduling: This scheduling is optimal in that it always produces the lowest mean response time. Processes with short CPU bursts are given priority and hence run quickly (are scheduled frequently).

Disadvantages: Long-burst (CPU-intensive) processes are hurt with a long mean waiting time. In fact, if short-burst processes are always available to run, the long-burst ones may never get scheduled. The situation where a process never gets scheduled to run is called starvation. Another problem with the algorithm is that the effectiveness of meeting the scheduling criteria relies on our ability to estimate the length of the next CPU burst.

Priority scheduling

Round robin scheduling assumes that all processes are equally important. This generally is not the case. We would sometimes like to see long CPU-intensive (non-interactive) processes get a lower priority than interactive processes. These processes, in turn, should get a lower priority than jobs that are critical to the operating system.

In addition, different users may have different status. A system administrator's processes may rank above those of a student's.

These goals led to the introduction of priority scheduling. The idea here is that each process is assigned a priority (just a number). Of all processes ready to run, the one with the highest priority gets to run next (there is no general agreement across operating systems whether a high number represents a high or low priority; UNIX-derived systems tend to use smaller numbers for high priorities while Microsoft systems tend to use higher numbers for high priorities).

With a priority scheduler, the scheduler simply picks the highest priority process to run. If the system uses preemptive scheduling, a process is preempted whenever a higher priority process is available in the run queue.

Priorities may be internal or external. Internal priorities are determined by the system using factors such as time limits, a process' memory requirements, its anticipated I/O to CPU ratio, and any other system-related factors. External priorities are assigned by administrators.

Priorities may also be static or dynamic. A process with a static priority keeps that priority for the entire life of the process.

A process with a dynamic priority will have that priority changed by the scheduler during its course of execution. The scheduler would do this to achieve its scheduling goals. For example, the scheduler may decide to decrease a process' priority to give a chance for lower-priority job to run. If a process is I/O bound (spending most if its time waiting on I/O), the scheduler may give it a higher priority so that it can get off the run queue quickly and schedule another I/O operation.

Static and dynamic priorities can coexist. A scheduler would know that a process with a static priority cannot have its priority adjusted throughout the course of its execution.

Ignoring dynamic priorities, the priority scheduling algorithm is straightforward: each process has a priority number assigned to it and the scheduler simply picks the process with the highest priority.

Advantage: priority scheduling provides a good mechanism where the relative importance of each process may be precisely defined.

Disadvantage: If high priority processes use up a lot of CPU time, lower priority processes may starve and be postponed indefinitely, leading to starvation. Another problem with priority scheduling is deciding which process gets which priority level assigned to it.

Dealing with starvation

One approach to the problem of indefinite postponement is to use dynamic priorities. At the expiration of each quantum, the scheduler can decrease the priority of the current running process (thereby penalizing it for taking that much CPU time). Eventually its priority will fall below that of the next highest process and that process will be allowed to run.

Another approach is to have the scheduler keep track of low priority processes that do not get a chance to run and increase their priority so that eventually the priority will be high enough so that the processes will get scheduled to run. Once it runs for its quantum, the priority can be brought back to the previous low level.

This periodic boosting of a process' priority to ensure it gets a chance to run is called process aging. A simple way to implement aging is to simply increase every process' priority and then have them get readjusted as they execute.

Multilevel queues

What happens if several processes get assigned the same priority? This is a realistic possibility since picking a unique priority level for each of possibly hundreds or thousands of processes on a system may not be feasible.

We can group processes into priority classes and assign a separate run queue for each class. This allows us to categorize and separate system processes, interactive processes, low-priority interactive processes, and background non-interactive processes. The scheduler picks the highest-priority queue (class) that has at least one process in it. In this sense, it behaves like a priority scheduler.

Each queue may use a different scheduling algorithm, if desired. Round-robin scheduling per priority level is the most common. As long as processes are ready in a high priority queue, the scheduler will let each of run for their time slice. Only when no processes are available to run at that priority level will the scheduler look at lower levels. Alternatively, some very high priority levels might implement the non-preemptive first-come, first-served scheduling approach to ensure that a critical real-time task gets all the processing it needs.

The scheduler may also choose a different quantum for each priority level. For example, it is common to give low-priority non-interactive processes a longer quantum. They won't get to run as often since they are in a low priority queue but, when they do, the scheduler will let them run longer. Linux, on the other hand, does the opposite. It gives a longer quantum to high-priority processes on the assumption that they are important and that they are likely to be interactive so they will usually block long before using up their time slice.

Multilevel Queue
Multilevel Queue

One problem with multilevel queues is that the process needs to be assigned to the most suitable priority queue a priori. If a CPU-bound process is assigned to a short-quantum, high-priority queue, that's not optimal for either the process nor for overall throughput.

Multi-level queues are generally used as a top-level scheduling discipline to separate broad classes of processes, such as real-time, kernel threads, interactive, and background processes. Specific schedulers within each class determine which process gets to run within that class. Most operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and OS X support a form of multilevel queues and scheduling classes.

Multilevel feedback queues

A variation on multilevel queues is to allow the scheduler to adjust the priority (that is, use dynamic priorities) of a process during execution in order to move it from one queue to another based on the recent behavior of the process.

The goal of multilevel feedback queues is to automatically place processes into priority levels based on their CPU burst behavior. I/O-intensive processes will end up on higher priority queues and CPU-intensive processes will end up on low priority queues.

A multilevel feedback queue uses two basic rules:

  1. A new process gets placed in the highest priority queue.

  2. If a process does not finish its quantum (that is, it blocks on I/O) then it will stay at the same priority level (round robin) otherwise it moves to the next lower priority level

With this approach, a process with long CPU bursts will use its entire time slice, get preempted and get placed in a lower-priority queue. A highly interactive process will not use up its quantum and will remain at a high priority level.

Although not strictly necessary for the algorithm, each successive lower-priority queue may be given a longer quantum. This allows a process to remain in the queue that corresponds to its longest CPU burst.

Process aging

One problem with multilevel feedback queues is starvation. If there are a lot of interactive processes or if new processes are frequently created, there is always a task available in a high-priority queue and the CPU-bound processes in a low-priority queue will never get scheduled.

A related problem is that an interactive process may end up at a low priority level. If a process ever has a period where it becomes CPU-intensive, it trickles down to a low priority level and is forever doomed to remain there. An example is a game that needs to spend considerable CPU time initializing itself but then becomes interactive, spending most of its time waiting for user input.

Both these problems can be solved with process aging. As we saw earlier, we periodically increase the priority of a process to ensure that it will be scheduled to run. A simple approach is to periodically bring all processes to the highest priority queue.

An advantage of a multilevel feedback queue is that the algorithm is designed to adjust the priority of a process whenever it runs, so a CPU-bound process will quickly trickle back down to a low priority level while an interactive process will remain at a high level.

Gaming the system

If a programmer knows how the scheduler works and wants to write software that will ensure that the process remains at a high priority level, she can write code that will force the system to block on some low-latency I/O operation (e.g., sleep for a few milliseconds) just before the quantum expires. That way, the process will be rewarded for not using up its quantum even if it repeatedly uses up a large chunk of it.

A solution to this approach is to modify the way the scheduler decides to demote the priority of a process. Instead of simply checking whether a process uses up its time slice, it keeps track of the total time that the process spent running over a larger time interval (several time slices). Each priority queue will have a maximum CPU time allotment associated with it. If a process uses up that allotment over that multi-time-slice interval the process will be punished by being moved to a lower priority level.

Multilevel Feedback Queue
Multilevel Feedback Queue

Advantages: Multi-level feedback queues are good for separating processes into categories based on their need for a CPU. They favor I/O bound processes by letting them run often. Versions of this scheduling policy that increase the quantum at lower priority levels also favor CPU bound processes by giving them a larger chunk of CPU time when they are allowed to run.

Disadvantages: The priority scheme here is one that is controlled by the system rather than by the administrator or users. A process is deemed important not because it necessarily is important, but because it happens to do a lot of I/O.

This scheduler also has the drawback that I/O-bound processes that become CPU bound or CPU-bound processes that become I/O-bound will not get scheduled well. Moreover, CPU-bound processes have the danger of starving on a system with many interactive processes. Both these problems can be dealt with by applying process aging.

Another drawback is the ability of a programmer to keep the priority of a process high by performing bogus I/O operations periodically. Again, we have a solution for this by measuring CPU use over a larger, multi-quantum time interval and punishing processes that use more of the CPU.

With lottery scheduling (also known as fair share scheduling), the goal is to allow a process to be granted a proportional share of the CPU - a specific percentage. Conceptually, lottery scheduling works by allocating a specific number of "tickets" to each process. The more tickets a process has, the higher its chance of being scheduled.

For example, suppose that we have 100 tickets in total and three processes to run: A, B, and C. We would like to schedule process A twice as frequently as processes B and C. To do this, we assign A twice as many tickets. With tickets numbered in the range 0…99, we might assign

          Process A: 50 tickets (0...49) Process B: 25 tickets (50...74) Process C: 25 tickets (75...99)                  

The scheduler then picks a random number in the range 0…100. That number becomes the "winning ticket" and the process holding that ticket gets to run. When its time slice is up, or if it blocks, the sheduler picks another ticket and that process gets to run. Over time, processes will run with a random distribution but one that is weighted by the per-process ticket allocation.

The benefit of the algorithm is that each process is given a proportional share of the CPU. The difficulty is determining ticket distribution, particularly in an environment where processes come and go and get blocked. This isn't a useful algorithm for general-purpose scheduling but is more useful for environments with long-running processes that may need to be allocated shares of CPUs, such as running multiple virtual machines on a server.


Our discussions thus far assumed an environment where a single process gets to run at a time. Other ready processes wait until the scheduler switches their context in and gives them a chance to run. With multiple CPUs, multiple cores on one CPU, hyperthreaded processors, more than once thread of execution can be scheduled at a time. The same scheduling algorithms apply; the scheduler simply allows more than one process to be in the running state at one time.

The environment we will consider here is the common symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) one, where each processor has access to the same memory and devices. Each processor is running its own process and may, at any time, invoke a system call, terminate, or be interrupted with a timer interrupt. The scheduler executes on that processor and decides which process should be context switched to run. It is common for the operating system to maintain one run queue per processor. This allows one processor to manipulate the queue (e.g., when context switching) without having to worry about the delay of having the queue locked by another processor.

Processors are designed with cache memory that holds frequently-used regions of memory that processes accessed. This avoids the time delay of going out to the external memory bus to access memory and provides a huge boost to performance. As we will see in our forthcoming discussion on memory management, processors also contain a translation lookaside buffer, or TLB, that stores recent virtual to physical address translations. This also speeds up memory access dramatically.

When a scheduler reschedules a process onto the same processor, there is a chance that some of the cached memory and TLB lines are still present. This allows the process to run faster since it will make less references to main memory. If a scheduler reschedules a process onto a different processor then no part of the process will be present in that processor's cache and the program will start slowly as it populates its cache.

Processor affinity is the aspect of scheduling on a multiprocessor system where the scheduler keeps track of what processor the process ran on previously and attempts to reschedule the process onto that same processor. There are two forms of processor affinity. Hard affinity ensures that a process always gets scheduled onto the same processor. Soft affinity is a best-effort approach. A scheduler will attempt to schedule a process onto the same CPU but in some cases may move the process onto a different processor. The reason for doing this is that, even though there may be an initial performance penalty to start a process on another CPU, it's probably better than having the CPU sit idle with no process to run. The scheduler tries to load balance the CPUs to make sure that they have a sufficient number of tasks in their run queue. There are two approaches to load balancing among processors:

  1. Push migration is where the operating system checks the load (number of processes in the run queue) on each processor periodically. If there's an imbalance, some processes will be moved from one processor onto another.

  2. Pull migration is where a scheduler finds that there are no more processes in the run queue for the processor. In this case, it raids another processor's run queue and transfers a process onto its own queue so it will have something to run.

It is common to combine both push and pull migration (Linux does it, for example).

Scheduling domains

The real world is not as simple as deciding whether to run a task on the same processor or not. Many systems have multiple processors and some are preferable to others when rescheduling a ready task. The categories of process include:

Virtual CPUs in a hyperthreaded core
Many intel CPUs support hyperthreading (HT technology). A single processor core presents itself as two virtual CPUs to the operating system. The processor core has a separate set of registers for each virtual CPU and multitple instructions can execute in parallel as long as they don't compete for the same section of the processor. Although one execution thread may hold up the performance of another one, the threads share acces to all processor caches.
Multiple cores in a processor
Many processors, particularly those on laptops, desktops, and servers, contain several processor cores (often 2, 4, 6, or 8) within a single chip. In this case, the TLB and fastest instruction and data caches are not shared across cores. However, all the cores share access to a common memory cache. This cache is slower than the high-speed per-core cache but still much faster than accessing main memory.
Multiple processors in an SMP architecture
Multiple processors in one computer system share common access to memory in the system. However, they do not share any caches: one processor does not have access to cached data on another processor.
Multiple processors in an NUMA architecture
NUMA, Non-Uniform Memory Architecture is a multiprocessor computer architecture, designed for large numbers of processors where each processor or group of processors has access to a portion of memory via a high-speed memory interface (e.g., on the same circuit board) while other regions of memory are slower to access since they reside on other processors and are accessed via a secondary, slower, interface.

What we have now is the realization that if a task is to be migrated to another processor, migrating it to some processors is preferable to others. For example, scheduling a task on a different core on the same chip is preferable to scheduling it onto a core on a different chip.

Linux introduces the concept of scheduling domains to handle this. Scheduling domains allow the system to organize processors into a hierarchy, where processors are grouped from the most desirable migration groups at the lowest layer (e.g., hyperthreaded CPUs on the same core) through to the least desirable migration groups at the highest layers of the hierarchy (e.g., migrating across processors on different circuit boards in a NUMA system).

A scheduling domain constains one or more CPU groups. Each CPU group is treated as one entity by the domain. A higher-level domain treats lower-level domains as a group. For example, two hyperthreaded CPUs sharing the same core will be placed in one group that has two subgroups, one for each CPU. All the per-core groups will make up a higher-level domain that represents the entire processor.

Each CPU has a runqueue structure associated with it. In addition to the structures needed to keep track of ready processes (e.g., a balanced tree or a set of queues), this per-cpu structure keeps track of scheduling data, including statistics about CPU load. Each scheduling domain has a balancing policy associated with it that defines the balancing rules for that specific level of the hierarchy. This policy answers questions such as:

– How often should attempts be made to balance load across groups in the domain?

– How far can the loads in the domain get unbalanced before balancing across groups is needed?

– How long can a group in the domain sit idle?

Linux performs active load balancing periodically. The scheduler moves up the scheduling domain hierarchy and checks each groups along the way. If any group is deemed to be out of balance based on the policy rules, tasks will be moved from one CPU's run queue to another's to rebalance the domain.

Scheduling classes

Linux supports a modular scheduling system that can accommodate different schedulers. A scheduling class defines a common set of functions that define the behavior of that scheduler (e.g., add a task, remove a task, choose the next task tor run). Multiple schedulers can run concurrently. Each task in the system belongs to one scheduling class. A task will belong to one of two scheduling classes:

  1. sched_fair: implements the CFS (completely fair share) scheduler, a general purpose multilevel queue scheduler that dynamically adjusts priority levels based on how much "virtual runtime" each task used over a period of time. Tasks that spend more time running (using the CPU) are given a lower priority over those that spend spend less time running.

  2. sched_rt: implements a simple multilevel priority-based round-robin scheduler for real-time tasks.

To pick a task to run, the scheduler iterates through the list of scheduling classes to find the class with the highest priority that has a runnable task.


  • Volker Seeker, Process Scheduling in Linux, University of Edinburgh, May 12, 2013.
  • Inside the Linux scheduler, M. Tim Jones, IBM developerWorks Technical Library, June 30, 2006
  • Understanding the Linux Kernel, Daniel P. Bovet & Marco Cesati, October 2000, Chapter 10: Process Scheduling
  • Inside the Linux 2.6 Completely Fair Scheduler: Providing fair access to CPUs since 2.6.23, M. Tim Jones, IBM developerWorks, December 15, 2009
  • Completely Fair Scheduler, Wikipedia article
  • This document is updated from its original version of September 27, 2010.


Source: https://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~pxk/416/notes/07-scheduling.html

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